Tuesday, September 1, 2015

FarmVille 2 - Pickling Corner!

Fancy eating Pickles? Look no further! Here comes the Pickling Corner where you can craft scrumptious treats!

If you are level 15 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the "Get Started!" button to begin the feature.

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2
Collect Building materials:
Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2
Hire friends to complete the building!

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

Here's the Main Menu of your Pickling Corner.

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

Click on the Pickled Candied Fruit to start crafting for Pickle Points!

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

The Pickled Candied Fruit will be mixed in the Pickling Crock (Jar) for 60 minutes.

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

After the timer is up, you can harvest it to get Pickle Points!

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

Different recipes have different timers and will give you different Pickle Points so choose carefully! You may also click on the right or left arrows in order to browser through the different recipes that you can craft.
  Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

Also, if you're missing a crafting material, you may call upon your co-op members in order to get the item!

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

After filling up the 2 Prickling Crock with recipes, you can build 3 more to get the most of the feature! Simply click on the "Start" button in order to begin.

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

Complete it by hiring your friends!

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

You'll start earning rewards by reaching the needed amount of Pickle Points for certain thresholds:

Pickling Corner - FarmVille 2

22 Pickle Points = Barrel Basin
70 Pickle Points = Vegetable Garden Wall
130 Pickle Points = Resource Pack
240 Pickle Points = Black Willow Tree
450 Pickle Points = Baby White Southern River Otter

Now let's go ahead and start collecting those Pickle Points!

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