Monday, March 6, 2017

FarmVille 2 - The Soap Display Stand!

Yay! Spring is here and with it comes the sweet scents of nature. Barbara is so excited to capture all the essences of the season. We can help by building a Soap Display Stand to make sweet-smelling soap for the County. In return, you’ll get a cute baby Brown Babydoll Sheep as a reward.
If you are level 15 or higher, the "Spring Soap-erstar!" popup will appear. Click on the "Build Soap Display Stand!" button to begin this feature.

The Soap Display Stand - FarmVille 2

The first step you need to do is to collect the materials for the stand.


Next step is to ask your friends for help or hire builders.


The finished Soap Display Stand, which is automatically placed outside your farm, will look like this:


Once the building is finished you can start crafting Spring-scented soaps. Take note that each soap gives out a different number of Loofah Points and also has different number of crafting hours.


Select a soap to make by clicking on it. Then click on the “Craft” button if you have the required items. Do not fret if you need more materials as you can always ask for help by posting or calling your Co-op.


After crafting, the soap will go to the Soap Mould. One mould will be occupied per soap crafted.


You have 2 Soap Moulds to start with. You can build 3 more by collecting all the materials needed or by asking your friends for help. The first mould will need these materials:


The second mould will need these items:


And you need to collect these materials for the last mould


When you have finished crafting the soap, you’ll get the Loofah Points which you’ll also be able to share!


Keep track of the Loofah Points you’ve collected through the counter at the lower left corner of the menu.


You’ll start getting awesome rewards when you reach certain milestones.


Collect all the Loofah Points to get the cute baby Brown Babydoll Sheep and 10 Favors.


I bet you can’t wait to get these awesome rewards so start crafting scented soaps!

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